How Canadian will the final product be? I noticed it takes place in the “Northern wilderness,” and that the protagonist – William Mackenzie – has a rather Canadian-sounding name. The majority of your talent is Canadian, and you’re receiving assistance from the Canadian Media Fund. They could work on anything, but they chose this because they get to make something personal. This is a world-class team that has collectively shipped over 40 huge games in some of the biggest franchises around. and felt grateful that I wasn’t asking them to make a choice between family, and work.
We all left really energized and feeling great about things, and then everyone went back home to their families in Edmonton, Toronto, LA, Chicago, etc. We recently spent three days on Mount Washington here on the Island, in a chalet, strategizing, brainstorming, hanging out, playing games, eating pancakes. Article contentįace time is really important. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.